Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Steve Jobs' widow bets on Hillary Clinton with $25,000 Super PAC contribution

The widow of Apple Computer founder Steve Jobs is 'ready' for Hillary Clinton, and she's written a hefty check to prove it.
Laurene Powell Jobs has given $25,000 to the 'Ready for Hillary' super PAC, a political campaign organization that has raised more than $4 million to lay the groundwork needed for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's expected White House run.
Sharon Elghanayan Corzine, the wife of former New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, also put $25,000 on the table. So did gay-rights philanthropist Tim Gill, who created the one-time desktop publishing software powerhouse Quark Xpress.

Laurene Powell Jobs' husband, the Apple Computer co-founder Steve Jobs, died in 2011 -- and now she's engaging in politics by backing Hillary Clinton

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