A German court says a landlady was within her rights to evict a man for persistently using a squeaky swing set in his apartment late at night as a sex prop.
The court in Munich said Friday the unidentified man installed the “very old” chain swing set in his apartment in 2012 and regularly disturbed his neighbours with “sexual, athletic and squeaking noises” late into the night, causing multiple complaints.
It noted his rental agreement included a clause to be quiet between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.
In upholding the landlady’s decision to evict him, the court focused on the tenant’s use of the swing set, saying its use late at night “would no longer correspond to normal rental use, and must therefore not be tolerated as socially acceptable.”
The court in Munich said Friday the unidentified man installed the “very old” chain swing set in his apartment in 2012 and regularly disturbed his neighbours with “sexual, athletic and squeaking noises” late into the night, causing multiple complaints.
It noted his rental agreement included a clause to be quiet between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.
In upholding the landlady’s decision to evict him, the court focused on the tenant’s use of the swing set, saying its use late at night “would no longer correspond to normal rental use, and must therefore not be tolerated as socially acceptable.”
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