Thursday, February 6, 2014

10 Surprising Changes That Happen To Your Body During Sex

A study once found that when you’re aroused, you’re less likely to be disgusted by things that would normally gross you out. That explains A LOT: like why some people like certain things in bed (licking toes, for example)
1. Your Boobs Swell
Well, this will be good news to a lot of girls. When you’re turned on, your breasts will naturally swell and maybe look a little bigger. It’s not like they’re going to go up a cup size, they’ll probably just be more full. And it will go away afterwards, but, whatever.
2. You’re Not As Grossed Out By Stuff
A study once found that when you’re aroused, you’re less likely to be disgusted by things that would normally gross you out. That explains A LOT: like why some people like certain things in bed (licking toes, for example)

3. You Can Queef
Queefing happens to everyone at some point, but that doesn’t stop it from being a little embarrassing. A queef sounds like a fart, but it’s not. It happens when air is getting pushed out of your vagina. You might feel it happen during a specific position or when you’re switching positions… it can happen whenever during sex. Vaginal farts are kind of weird, but they’re normal and also funny.
4. You Get Flushed
Have you ever seen magazines write about how to achieve that glow you get after sex? This is what they’re talking about. Studies have found that when people are really aroused, they start to get flushed in their chest and face. That explains why you get red – plus, you’re getting a little bit of a workout!
5. You Might Feel Like You Have To Pee
Have you ever noticed that in certain positions, you feel like you have to pee? Don’t stress, it’s normal. Researchers say that if your G-spot it being stimulated, it may feel like you need to use the bathroom.
6. Your Vagina Expands
If you’ve ever wondered how your vagina can fit a penis in there, wonder no more. When you’re aroused, your uterus gets pulled up, which lengthens your vaginal wall.
7. You Can Get A Sex Headache
It sounds weird, but some women can get sex headaches – a dull pain in their head or neck, or something more sharp and painful around the time of orgasm. It’s usually fine and should go away on it’s own, but in rare cases it can be more serious. If it’s happening to you a lot, let your doctor know.
8. You Don’t Feel As Much Pain
There are a lot of things about sex that seem incredibly painful, but there’s a reason we don’t really actually feel it that much during the act. Studies have shown that arousal makes you feel pain less. Doctors even have reports of people who have hurt themselves during sex and didn’t even realize it until afterwards.
9. Your Vaginal Lips Change Color
When you’re aroused, not only will your vagina get bigger, but the lips become puffier and they also change color. If you’ve never had kids, you’ll see them go from pink to red. If you have, they’ll go from red to deep purple.
10. You Get Turned On By Everything
Studies have found that when women are already turned on, they’re more likely to get even more turned on by things they normally don’t even think about. Here’s an example: if you normally don’t sexually think about women, but you get turned on thinking about them during sex. You’re not weird, this stuff is totally normal!

Jessica Booth

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