Monday, August 18, 2014

When Cooking Go Wrong

king taster

Excerpt from The King's Taster by Ablethought

Who has cooked food and looks so good on the face but the taste is disaster? I once did that to a large group of guests, and I choose not to taste the food because I was so sure of the cooking arrangement. That day, yet to take my bath in the early morning, it was my ethos not to taste anything called food until I brushed and had shower in the morning.

The menu that fateful morning was boiled egg and fried egg. I use spice just like the Chinese when doing my fried egg. Yam was perfectly boiled and good to go. I took my time and added some cayenne pepper, sardine, sesame oil, onions, blended pepper and tomatoes, thyme and magi cubes. It was going to be luscious super. However it was disaster, all other ingredients and spices were good but the egg was spoilt. When I cracked the egg, I did not notice any unfamiliar smell, neither was the yoke out of order. My greatest undoing was I took the time to carefully prepare the meal for the guests without tasting the dishes.

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