Friday, October 3, 2014

B.C. University Changes Name Associated With ISIS

What started out as a reference to an Egyptian goddess has turned into an association with a terrorist group.

The ISIS Research Centre at the University of British Columbia has decided to change its name to avoid confusion with insurgents known as the Islamic State (ISIS). The militants, who also go by the Islamic State of Iraq (ISIL), are responsible for recent violence in Syria and Iraq, including the beheading of two Western journalists.

The terror group wants to unite Islamic countries and bring down Western powers.

"In light of the escalating and violent events associated with the name ISIS in the last several months, and after serious discussions with our stakeholders, we have decided to rename the ISIS Research Centre," according to an online statement by the centre, which is run by UBC's Sauder School of Business.

"Although we have put a significant amount of time and resources into building our ‘ISIS’ brand we feel the name now has too many negative associations."

The centre was originally named Isis after the Egyptian deity and was spelled in capital letters to look "more distinctive," said the centre's executive director, James Tansey, in an email to The Huffington Post B.C.

Isis was worshipped in ancient Egypt as the ideal mother and wife, as well as the patroness of nature and magic.

The goddess' name represented the work the think-tank did on social innovation and business, explained Joanna Buczowska, the centre's director of social innovation, to The Ubyssey.

The centre's new name is currently being debated.

UBC isn't the first brand to get caught up in negative associations with ISIS. A jewellery shop in Calgary recently changed its name from Isis, as well as a private equity firm in the U.K. and a Texas university initiative, reported Metro News.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper is expected to announce Canada's combat plan against ISIS on Friday.


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