Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ebola Update: Thomas Duncan's fiancee to finish quarantine

For nearly 20 days, Louise Troh has had to endure tremendous fear, grief and isolation.

When told of the death of her fiancee, Thomas Eric Duncan -- the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States -- she fell to the ground.
The man giving her the news couldn't even console her with a hug.
But day 21 is Monday: The day the quarantine period is expected to come to an end for Troh, her son and two nephews. If the four do not develop symptoms by Monday, they will have managed to not contract Ebola despite being in close proximity to Duncan.
We are so happy this is coming to an end, and we are so grateful that none of us has shown any sign of illness," Troh said in a statement on Sunday. "We have lost so much, but we have our lives and we have our faith in God, which always gives us hope."
Mark Wingfield, an associate pastor at Wilshire Baptist Church, told CNN that Troh will not be doing interviews at this time, but plans to write a book about her experience.
"They feel like this is a tremendous miracle that's happened," Wingfield said. "This is a long-awaited day of celebration."

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