Having insurance shouldn't be a luxury, but many of us know all too well that it is. Here are a few signs that you're flying solo when it comes to maintaining your health regimen.
1. Your childhood nightmares about going to the dentist have been replaced with dreams of cleanings every six months.

2. You say "Look over there!" when someone asks "Is that a rash?"

3. You consider WebMD to be a trusted medical professional

5. Yogurt is like antibiotics, right?

6. You politely decline invitations to go skiing, rock climbing or any other activity during which broken bones are a possibility.
7. After googling your symptoms you have resorted to Yahoo! Answers for medical advice

8. When asked if your pets have health insurance you start laughing uncontrollably
9. You penalize your friends for breathing on you.

10. Routine check-ups? What are those?

11. Your faith in your once-a-day vitamin is stronger than in your religion.
12. After researching home remedies you've eaten some pretty weird stuff and you don't want to talk about it.

Culled from HuffPost
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