Tuesday, May 13, 2014

#Bringbackourgirls Rally Legislative Building, Winnipeg, Canada

Around 300 people gathered on the steps of the Manitoba Legislature to protest and raise awareness regarding the kidnapped girls of Nigeria. (MIKE DEAL / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS)                         
Even though they were thousands of miles away, a crowd of supporters of nearly 300 schoolgirls abducted by terrorists last month in Nigeria were confident Sunday’s rally at the Manitoba Legislature would help bring them home.

"A rally like this shows a sign of international commitment to what is happening in Nigeria. It gets the message out that the whole world is against the abductions," said Samson Oyeyiola, who moved from Nigeria to Winnipeg a year ago.

"Women should be given their rights of freedom in any part of the world."
Organizers asked attendees to wear red as they called on the Nigerian government to redouble its efforts to find the girls, who were taken from their schools by terrorist group Boko Haram last month.

The kidnappers have said they took the girls to protest Western education in Nigeria and that they were going to sell them as brides.

Couple of days back,  a video was released by the insurgents- under the guns of their captors, dozens of barefoot girls sat huddled together wearing grey Muslim veils as they chanted Quranic verses in Arabic. Some Christians among them said they had converted to Islam.

"I swear to almighty Allah, you will not see them again until you release our brothers that you have captured," the leader of the Boko Haram terrorist network threatened, an assault rifle slung across his chest.

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