Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ottawa Shooting Aftermath | This is what happens to racists in Canada

This is what happens to racists in Ontario: After playing the part of an Islamophobe for a YouTube video 'social experiment' this man was left with a bloody nose after he was punched in the face by an angry Canadian
This is what happens to racists in Ontario: After playing the part of an Islamophobe for a YouTube video 'social experiment' this man was left with a bloody nose after he was punched in the face by an angry Canadian
A video experiment has shown most urban Canadians will leap to the defence of a Muslim person singled out for abuse, even in the wake of the country's recent Islamist terror attack.

One angry resident of Hamilton, Ontario, punched a man playing the part of an Islamophobe having a go at a man wearing Muslim-style clothing at a bus stop.

He was left bleeding from his nose for the part he played in what the YouTube filmmakers called a 'social experiment'

'This is based on the events that happened in Ottawa,' said YouTube filmmaker Omar Albach, referring to recent bloodshed in the Canadian capital.

'We're going to see if people feel safe to be around Muslims or people that look like Muslims.'
Within seconds of the filmmakers beginning their first charade - which involved a one telling another one wearing Muslim-style clothes he can't board a bus - a middle-aged man objects to the apparent racism.

'You know what? You can't stereotype and judge people by their clothes,' the casually dressed, silver-haired white man objects. 'Or their nationalities or anything else, you know what I mean?'

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