Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ebola News: NBC Staff Violated Quarantine To Visit Favorite Restaurant

Ventured out: Nancy Snyderman violated her voluntary isolation to visit her favorite soup kitchen, according to reports


The NBC News crew exposed to Ebola were forced into mandatory quarantine after chief medical correspondent Nancy Snyderman violated their voluntary isolation to visit her favorite soup restaurant, reports revealed.

NBC chief medical correspondent accused of violating Ebola quarantine to visit her favorite soup restaurant - forcing the entire crew into mandatory isolation
  • Nancy Snyderman and crew ordered into mandatory isolation on Friday
  • All seven had worked with cameraman Ashoka Mukpo, who has Ebola 
  • Order came after a member of the team 'violated their voluntary quarantine'
  • It has emerged Snyderman 'was seen at soup restaurant on Thursday'
The 62-year-old was one of seven people ordered to cut off all human contact for 21 days on Friday as doctors treat the station's cameraman Ashoka Mukpo for the deadly disease.

It emerged this weekend that the crew would have been allowed more freedom if it weren't for Snyderman's alleged trip to Peasant Grill in Hopewell Boro, New Jersey, last Thursday.

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