"I'm here to feed the pigs." According to The Boston Globe, that's what a Massachusetts woman said on Friday before throwing a Dunkin' Donuts box full of sausage and bacon at the front desk of the Framingham police station.,
Thwarted in her feeding attempt by a layer of bulletproof glass, police say 24-year-old Lindsay McNamara then began "smearing the greasy meat" on the window.
She was immediately arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and malicious destruction of property worth less than $250.Asked by the officer why she did it, McNamara said: "God told me to go feed the pigs," according to the police report.
Representing herself in court on Friday, the pork pelter denied the charges.
"I mean, I didn't really destruct property," said McNamara. "I just smeared some grease."
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